Tension Member Design
Gross area
Ag = Gross area of cross section.
Net Area
Net area An of a member is the sum of the products of
the thickness and the net width of each element.
For a part in any diagonal or zigzag line, the
additional quantity is: s2.t / (4g)
s = longitudinal center-to-center spacing (pitch) of any two
consecutive holes.
g = transverse center-to-center spacing (gage) between fastner gage
Effective Net Area, Reduction-Shear Lag Coefficient (U)
Ae = An . U
For angle members having two and more bolts in the line of force:
U = 1 - 1.2 x/L < 0.9, but >= 0.4
For channel members having two and more bolts in the line of force:
U = 1 - 0.36 x/L < 0.9, but >= 0.5
x - distance from shear plane to centroid of the cross section
L - length of the connection in the direction of loading
(a) When the tension load is transmitted only by longitudinal welds
or by longitudinal welds in combination with transverse welds:
Ae = Ag . U
U - reduction coefficient = 1 - x/L <= 0.9
Ag - gross area of member
(b) When the tension load is transmitted only by transverse welds:
Ae = A . U
U = 1.0
A - area of directly connected elements
(c) Otherwise:
for angle members: U = 1 - 1.2 X/L < 0.9 but U
>= 0.4
for channel members: U = 1 - 0.36 X/L < 0.9 but U
>= 0.5
x - distance from shear plane to centroid of cross section
L - length of longitudinal weld
Design Strength for Tension Members:
Yielding in the gross section: (Eq. C2-1)
fTn =
f.Fy.Ag= 0.90 Fy.Ag LRFD
Ta = Fy.Ag / Ot
= Fy.Ag/1.67 ASD
Fracture in the net section: (Eq. C2-2)
fTn =
f.Fu.Ae= 0.75 Fu.Ae LRFD
Ta = Fu.Ae / Ot
= Fu.Ae/2.0 ASD
Design Rupture Strength:
Shear Rupture Strength: (Eq. E5.1-1)
fVn =
f(0.6).Fu.Anv= 0.75 (0.6) Fu.Anv LRFD
Va = (0.6).Fu.Anv / O
= (0.6) Fu.Anv/2.0 ASD
Tension Rupture Strength for Welded Connection: (Eq. E2.7-1)
fPn =
f.Fu.Ae= 0.6 Fu.Ae LRFD
Pa = Fu.Ae / O = Fu.Ae/2.5 ASD
Tension Rupture Strength for Bolted Connection: (Appendix A, E3.2)
a) For flat sheet connections not having staggered hole patterns:
1) for washers are provided under both the
bolt head and the nut
fPn =
f. Ft. An LRFD
Pa = Ft. An / O
for single bolt, Ft =(0.1 + 3d/s)Fu
<= Fu
for multiple bolts, Ft = Fu
f = 0.65 for
double shear, 0.55 for single shear
O = 2.0 for double shear, 2.22 for single
2) for washers are NOT provided under both
the bolt head and the nut
fPn =
f. Ft. An LRFD
Pa = Ft. An / O
for single bolt, Ft = (2.5 d/s)Fu
<= Fu
for multiple bolts, Ft = Fu
f = 0.65
O = 2.0
b) For flat sheet connections having staggered hole patterns:
fPn =
f. Fu.An
f = 0.65
Pa = Fu.An/ O
O = 2.22 ASD
c) For other than flat sheet:
fPn =
f. Fu.(An.U)
f = 0.65
Pa = Fu.(An.U) / O
O = 2.22 LRFD
d - nominal bolt diameter
s - sheet width divided by number of bolt holes in
cross section
Block Shear Rupture Strength: (Eq. E5.3-1, E5.3-2)
The lesser of following:
fRn =
f [0.6 Fy.Agv + Fu.Ant]
fRn =
f [0.6 Fu.Anv + Fu.Ant]
Ra = [0.6 Fy.Agv + Fu.Ant]/
Ra = [0.6 Fu.Anv + Fu.Ant]/
f = 0.65 for bolted
connections, 0.6 for welded connections
O = 2.22 for bolted connections, 2.5 for welded
Ant = net area subject to tension
Anv = net area subject to shear
Agv = gross area subject to shear
Reference: AISI S100-2016
Combined Bending and Tension C5.1.2
1). Ob .Mx
/ Mnxt + Ob .My / Mnyt + Ot
.T / Tn < = 1.0
2). Ob .Mx
/Mnx + Ob .My / Mny - Ot
.T / Tn < = 1.0
1). Mux
/ (fb .Mnxt)+ Muy /
(fb .Mnyt) + Tu / (ft.
Tn) < = 1.0
2). Mux
/ (fb .Mnx)+ Muy /
(fb .Mny) - Tf / (ft.
Tn) < = 1.0
Mx - Required allowable flexural
strength about axis X
My - Required allowable flexural
strength about axis Y
T - Required allowable axial strength
Ob = 1.67
Ot = 1.67
Mux - Required flexural strength
about axis X
Muy - Required flexural strength
about axis Y
Tu - Required axial strength
Mnxt = Sftx . Fy
- Nominal flexural strength about axis X
Mnyt = Sfty . Fy
- Nominal flexural strength about axis Y
Sftx - Section modulus of full
unreduced section relative to extreme tension fibre about axis X
Sfty - Section modulus of full
unreduced section relative to extreme tension fibre about axis Y
Mnx - Nominal flexural strength
about axis X
Mny - Nominal flexural strength
about axis Y
Tn - Nominal tensile strength
fb =
0.9 - resistance factor for bending
ft =
0.95 - resistance factor for shear