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Bolted Moment Connection
Designation ksi Fyc= Column
Results factor
Bolt d0 = in. Fub = ksi n = ev = s1 = s2 = in. in. in. g = in.
Stiffener Fys = ksi w3 = in. ts = in. w4 = in.
loading Mu = kips-ft. Tu = kips Vu = kips Pr = kips
Welding w1 = in. w2 = in.
End Plate te = in. Fye = ksi Fue = ksi be = in.
Doubler Plate tp = in. Fyp = ksi
Beam Designation Fyb= ksi
Review Report
If Top Flange of Beam in Compression: Interior moment connection means the top of beam below the top of column at least the column depth, otherwise, it is called exterior moment connection If Top Flange of Beam in Tension: Interior moment connection means top of beam below the top of column at least 10 times of flange thickness of beam, otherwise, it is called exterior moment connection Bolted Moment Connection