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No. of Layer g (kips/ft.3) hs (ft.)
5 - -
4 - -
3 - -
2 0.115 7
1 0.128 6.5
No. of Layer g (kips/ft.3) hs (ft.)
5 - -
4 - -
3 - -
2 0.115 7
1 0.128 6.5
Reinforced Concrete Tank
hw = ft Walls tw = in. Wx = Wy = ft ft Rebars in vertical direction: @ in. Horizontal rebars at midpoint (X): @ in. Horizontal rebars at edge (X): @ in. Horizontal rebars at midpoint (Y): @ in. Horizontal rebars at edge (Y): @ in. Mwv = kips-ft/ft Max. Internal forces in Walls: # # # # #
RCTank.exe (FEA)Clicking button Delete can delete the top layer of soilClicking button Edit can add a new layer of soil, or update existing layer of soilAll internal forces are per unit width (/ft.) Ghali A., and Favre R., Concrete Structures: Stress and Deformations. Chapman & Hall, London. Rectangular Concrete Tanks , 5th Edition, Portland Cement Association References:Wx >= Wy, Lx >= LyInternal forces are from Finite Element Analysis (FEA) or tables of reference 1Notes:
Internal forces in Walls (Horizontal Direction): Mwxm = Mwxe = Mwym = Mwye = Cwxm = Cwxe = Cwym = Cwye = Case 2, Inside Empty, Outside with Soil kips-ft/ft kips-ft/ft kips-ft/ft kips-ft/ft kips/ft kips/ft kips/ft kips/ft kips/ft Vw = Cvw = kips/ft
Internal forces in Walls (Horizontal Direction): Mwxm = kips-ft/ft Mwxe = Mwym = Mwye = kips/ft Twxm = Twxe = Twym = Twye = Case 1, Inside with Full Water, Outside without Soil kips-ft/ft kips-ft/ft kips-ft/ft kips/ft kips/ft kips/ft Vw = kips/ft Tvw = kips/ft
Reinforced Concrete Tank Design
Bottom Slab in. ft Lx = Ly = Rebars at top in X direction: ft @ ts = Rebars at bottom in X direction: @ Rebars at top in Y direction: @ Rebars at bottom in Y direction: @ kips-ft/ft Msxm = Msxe = kips-ft/ft Msym = kips-ft/ft Msye = kips-ft/ft in. in. in. in. Internal forces in Slab: Vs = kips/ft # # # #
Review Report
Others in. psf q = c = f'c = fy = ksi ksi aL = ha = ft nv = qs = psi kips/ft qe = k0 =
Layers of Soil kips / ft3 g = Layer i = ft hs =